First-Impression Survey

First off, thank you for being an early-adopter to Select Billiards. I've had a great time talking with pool players all over the world on YouTube and Facebook and I'm excited for Select Billiards to make that communication even easier.

This is a survey designed to help me figure out how to better improve Select Billiards. Please fill it out after you've had a chance to review both of the Sneak Preview page links I included in your email. Your answers are incredibly important to making this site the best on the web and I encourage brutal honesty. If you absoltuely hate something you see here, let me know. If there's an aspect of the site that you feel is missing or not fully developed, tell me.

I'm excited to be able to have such a direct connection to my pool playing friends online and I greatly appreciate your feedback on this!

Thank you again,

Brandon Gramse